Tag: Ireland

  • NEW REVIEW Karen Victoria Smith's Dark Dealings

    In Karen Victoria Smith's urban fantasy, [amazon-product text=”Dark Dealings” type=”text”]B007Z9DEEI[/amazon-product], the mystical world overlaps reality through sabotage, murder and magic. Investment banker Micaela O'Brien has spent her entire life trying to forget the day her parent's plane exploded over northern Dublin leaving her to explain how she was the sole survivor of the tragic event.…

  • Yeah, I Pinned That

    About 98% of readers of this blog find me via social networking. I have to say, I love Twitter; to me it's the biggest and best social networking site out there. I can connect to people I've never met and most of them actually follow me and care about what I have to say.  I…

  • Bombs, Alarms and Castles… Oh My!

    Well, friends, what can I say… these past two days have been very interesting for us. I try to keep a very open mind, I do. I hate being judged or perceived to be a certain way based on past actions, or the way I look, sound, etc. But my entire life I have heard…

  • The Ring of… Fog

    On today's itinerary we tackled the Ring of Kerry, “Ireland's most popular scenic drive. It takes in panoramas of rugged coastline, tall mountains, and pristine lakes.” (Ireland Day by Day, p264) You want to know what we saw? Fog. We did manage to take in some of the sites of Kerry, including the Kerry Cliffs; not as popular as…

  • Guinness, Anyone?

    Well, hello good friends! It's almost 11pm here and I'm just about to get on skype to talk with my girls back home, but before I do I needed to catch you up on my first day in Ireland. We arrived at Dublin Airport at 6:31am, which is not terribly early, however when you factor…

  • A Dream Vacation

    Hello friends! Tomorrow night I leave for a trip of a lifetime! That's right, ladies and gents, my dream of visiting Ireland is about to come true. For 11 nights I'll be traveling the Emerald Isle's rolling hills taking in the sights, the sounds, and the accents (sigh). I'm just a tad bit excited, if you haven't…

  • What Do Non-Irish People Do On St. Patrick's Day?

    We drink, duh. Before I continue with my post you're probably a little confused about the above statement in reference to the title. You're most likely thinking, “She's not Irish? But she has red hair?” And a temper so watch it. No, ladies and gentlemen, I'm not Irish, there is no Irish in me no…