We drink, duh.
Before I continue with my post you're probably a little confused about the above statement in reference to the title. You're most likely thinking, “She's not Irish? But she has red hair?” And a temper so watch it.
No, ladies and gentlemen, I'm not Irish, there is no Irish in me no matter how red my hair gets. Growing up I almost started hating this holiday because people would look at me and just question how a “sweet little red head like me isn't out celebrating her nation's holiday.”
Ok, one, I'm American, my nation's holiday is July 4th. Second, there are more redheads born in Scotland than any other place in the world. And that people, is where some of my heritage lies. Actually, I'm more Polish than anything. (Halupkis anyone? Pierogies? No? Good, more for me.)
However, I just learned some good news today while reading all the articles published about Ireland, the Irish and this holiday that gives us an excuse to drink. (Yeah, I know, who needs an excuse to drink? Psh.)
Today I learned that the patron Saint of Ireland, the man who started it all, St. Patrick is actually…are you ready? He was Scottish. You heard me. Now put down your green beer and listen.
He was born in the year 387 in Kilpatrick, Scotland. He was kidnapped by Irish raiders and was forced to be a shepherd. His name was Maewyn Succat (have fun pronouncing that one) until it was changed to Patricius, or Patrick, when he entered the church.
So, there you have it. I feel vindicated. I feel like I can now enjoy this holiday like everybody else. I know you're probably thinking that there are millions of non-Irish people out there pretending to be Irish and wearing those silly little “Kiss Me, I'm Irish” buttons, but I could never do it. I felt like a fraud.
But no longer! I will no longer pretend to be something I'm not, even though I never would, but still, not the point. What is the point you ask? I honestly have no idea. I saw that bit of information, got excited and decided to post.
I will say that no matter what your heritage is, where you come from or where you live, today is the day where we all get the chance to drink green beer (which to me is just weird) and say stupid things about getting lucky (which has its moments).
Even before I knew what the land of my great grandmother played in the raising of the great St. Patrick I celebrated the only way I knew how. I drank. (Of course, I didn't start this type of celebration until I was of age. *cough*)
So here is the way Sparky and I will be celebrating tonight. For those of you who follow me on Twitter you'll probably note that we celebrated this past Saturday and again last night after we attended a Guinness beer dinner. And before you go on thinking that I'm talking about something weird and kinky, I'm not.
Yes, its the Irish Car Bomb (I didn't name it so don't fill my comment section about Irish history and whatnot) Its a half a pint of Guinness, in which you drop a shot glass that contains half Jameson whiskey and half Bailey's Irish Cream. Drop the shot glass in the pint and chug. Don't take your time, the contents of the shot glass are known to curdle. Admit it, before that last sentence you were interested. Honestly, it doesn't curdle instantly, just if you let it sit. Just saying.
So, I bid you farewell and please be careful and responsible whether your celebrations include the drink above or anything else of the Irish variety.
I'll leave you with an Irish proverb sent to Sparky from a coworker and friend, who, with the last name of O'Hara, is very Irish, seriously.
In life, there are only two things to worry about
Either you are well or you are sick.
If you are well, there is nothing to worry about,
But if you are sick, there are only two things to worry about
Either you will get well or you will die.
If you get well, there is nothing to worry about,
But if you die, there are only two things to worry about
Either you will go to heaven or hell.
If you go to heaven, there is nothing to worry about.
And if you go to hell, you'll be so busy shaking hands with all your friends
You won't have time to worry!
Lá Fhéile Pádraig
(Happy St. Patrick's Day)
One response to “What Do Non-Irish People Do On St. Patrick's Day?”
I would like some halupkis. And pierogies. Actually, Friday during lent, so the halupkis will have to wait until tomorrow! Halushki perhaps? 🙂
How were your car bombs? I really need to try one at some point!