Author: Karen DeLabar

  • Confessions of a Fake Reviewer

    I got paid for reviews. Did you know that? Yeah, me neither. You can imagine my surprise when a friend of mine directed me to a site listing myself amongst other people that were guilty of writing fake reviews. I was outraged, I was upset, I was distraught! Here I could have been making money…

  • The Lost Interview with February Grace, Author of “Godspeed”

    Back in September I was two months out of the hospital and about to have a very intense surgery on my hand and I thought, “Pfft. I can get back to my life as it was.” Oh, if only I knew seven months later I'd still be trying to achieve normalcy. Anywho, before I got…

  • Orange Karen Post

    Back in December I wrote a post entitled “This is Simply My Story”. I encourage you to check it out, not just for my story, which can also be found here on my site, but because you'll learn more about the authors and talent that went into making Orange Karen: Tribute to a Warrior a reality.

  • Pushing Through The Unexpected

    There are certain phrases you hear in life that you can never be fully prepared for. Congratulations, you're homeowners. You're pregnant. Your favorite TV show is going off the air. One I never thought I'd have to hear is, Worst case scenario, double amputation up to the knees. Those words hit me harder than a…

  • 12 Blogs of Christmas: The Sequel

    Last year I was a part of a wonderful blogging community however due to some unexpected life events I needed to step away from blogging for most of the year. Fortunately for me the same group banded together and invited me to take part in the 12 Blogs of Christmas again. It was such a…

  • This is Simply My Story

    This post can also be found on the Orange Karen Tribute Anthology page. You can go there by clicking on the link provided. You'll also find several other posts dedicated to helping me out by way of writing. Please check it out!  It started like any other Saturday. Eric was rushing around trying to get the kids…

  • GUEST POST From Erotica Writer Angelica Dawson

    As I mentioned in my interview with Karen, one of the biggest hurdles for me in writing erotica (or anything else for that matter) is my precocious daughter. She is a reader. As I write this, she is sitting on the floor with a book of bible stories. I'm not sure why she's reading that,…

  • Interview with Erotica Writer Angelica Dawson, Author of Blue Moon House

    Hey friends! Welcome back to the pub! Today I'm very happy to introduce you to Angelica Dawson, author of the erotica novella, [amazon-product text=”Blue Moon House” type=”text”]B0094VGVKY[/amazon-product]. I just read the novella and if you like reading about hot vampires that can push you to your limits and beyond then you'll want to pick up…

  • A Heartfelt Thank You

    Hey everyone! Since my typing abilities are severely lacking right now I made a quick video to thank everyone and to give a short overview as to what happened in the beginning of June. I apologize for my emotions getting the better of me but I still struggle with the reality of it all. Also, because of…

  • NEW REVIEW Karen Victoria Smith's Dark Dealings

    In Karen Victoria Smith's urban fantasy, [amazon-product text=”Dark Dealings” type=”text”]B007Z9DEEI[/amazon-product], the mystical world overlaps reality through sabotage, murder and magic. Investment banker Micaela O'Brien has spent her entire life trying to forget the day her parent's plane exploded over northern Dublin leaving her to explain how she was the sole survivor of the tragic event.…