Hey friends! Welcome back to the pub! Today I'm very happy to introduce you to Angelica Dawson, author of the erotica novella, [amazon-product text=”Blue Moon House” type=”text”]B0094VGVKY[/amazon-product]. I just read the novella and if you like reading about hot vampires that can push you to your limits and beyond then you'll want to pick up this erotica short. I'm feeling festive tonight and the drink of choice is pineapple juice so drink it straight or mix it with whatever but ready for it to get hot in here. Here we go!
KD: Can you tell us a little bit about Blue Moon House?
AD: Sure! Blue Moon House is the story of one human who has so impressed her vampire Master that he wants to keep her forever. However, there are six other vampires living in the house who would also be spending eternity with Julia. They all want a chance to decide if she is someone they find worthy as a companion.
KD: What is your inspiration behind the novella?
AD: At first, the idea was simply to have a BDSM free-for-all. I wanted to hit everything. The vampires came in early as the Doms that could real put a sub through his/her paces. However, as I began to pit Julia against them, I got to know each of them, just as she did, and found they had a lot of character.
KD: What drew you to the erotica genre? Have you always written erotica?
AD: I started back into writing with Fanfiction. My first pieces were pretty PG, but I quickly dove off the adult deep end. I do publish under my real name as well, but those are YA and literary fiction. My YA ranges from SciFi/Fantasy to Paranormal to Horror. I am a big fan of YA books (like the Hunger Games, Divergent, everything by Tamora Pierce) so that was where I went first with my writing.
KD: What is your biggest obstacle as an erotica writer?
AD: My five year old daughter! She is a voracious reader and although she might not know what all the words on my screen mean, she can sound them out. So, I have to make sure she's out of the room or asleep, preferably asleep. I try to spend time with her and my husband while she's awake.
KD: This first installment was a novella at just 20,000 words. Why did you chose this format instead of a full length novel?
AD: I did. I had a story I wanted to tell and at the end of 20 000 words, I had told it. I tend to write shorter form and especially for this story, where the plot really only covers a few days, it made sense for it to be shorter. Also, in general, erotica thrives in the shorter form. You can really overload if you try to stretch it too far.
KD: If you could meet any writer living or dead who would it be and why?
AD: Tamora Pierce, so I can apologize for making her feel old when I told her I read her books in high school. Ha! She had a signing her in town and that's exactly what I said. It's true, but well, I didn't mean to make her feel bad! Also to let her know that she inspired me to publish my first novel.
KD: You've just won a trip to a secluded island and you're instructed to bring your favorite book, drink, and companion. What/who would you bring?
AD: Only one book? Not a series? Damn. I'd be tempted to bring a notebook. LOL Let's go with the Mists of Avalon, because I'd probably be rescued by the time I finished it and it has lots of pages for kindling fires. (I didn't just say that.) My favourite drink would be pineapple juice. Unless there are pineapples on the island. And naturally, some rum to add to it. My companion would have to be my husband. He's been my best friend for over a decade and he's good at inventing games so when Mists got boring I'd have something to do.
KD: I hear that you're writing a prequel series focusing on each of Blue Moon House vampires, is this true? *Crosses fingers* 😉
AD: It is true. I'm still working on the first one, Jocelyn's story, but I have all seven outlined in one form or another.
Thanks so much for stopping by and giving some insight into your novella and you! Friends check back tomorrow for Angelica's post on what it's like to be an erotica writer and a mom.
Angelica Dawson has been writing for several years and having sex a lot longer than that. Angelica is a wife, mother and environmental consultant. Her love of plants and the outdoors is not diminished by the bloodsucking hoards mosquitoes and black flies, not vampires.
Be sure to pick up your copy of Blue Moon House at these following sellers, [amazon-product text=”Amazon” type=”text”]B0094VGVKY[/amazon-product], and Smashwords. You can find Angelica at her website or follow her on Twitter.
Julia has the opportunity to become one of the Vampire Dominants of Blue Moon House. Before they accept, however, the seven vampires must all gauge her worthiness as an eternal companion. Each will test her, sample her, and decide her fate.

4 responses to “Interview with Erotica Writer Angelica Dawson, Author of Blue Moon House”
Thank you so much for the interview, Karen. *sips her pineapple juice* I will get back to writing in a bit. Just now, *sip* this is nice. 🙂
So, glad to have you stop by! I can't wait to share your post tomorrow!
Ordered for my kindle. I loves the vamps. The dirty, dirty vamps.
This question is for both you, Karen, and Angelica. I'm a sweet, generous, middle-aged woman who happens to have a high sex-drive and a lot of knowledge about the delights of the human body both through research and self-exploration. Not long ago, I decided to explore online sex chat and ultimately discovered I have a rather profound talent for erotica writing. I've long known I have writing talent and have been encouraged by MANY to publish. For one reason or another I've never even tried. Currently, I am ill, often in bed, for weeks at a time due to a genetic dosorder which raised its ugly head. I don't think I have the stamina for writing a novel or even novella. I would like to continue doing what I've been doing as “gifts” to others, but maybe get paid for helping people to enjoy themselves (and actually, it sounds weird, but I'd like to be able to simply donate any earnings to charity. . . but that's another issue). I also think that I would be very good as a ghost writer or consultant to help other author's with certain passages in their novels needing the development of sensuality or sexual action. So, is there a market for either? How do I access it? Basicly, what do I do? Do I really have any chance at my age, with no publishing experience, no degree or job experience related to writing, and no network contacts? Thank you. PS. I don't see a link to subscribe to comments. I'd rather just have an email reply anyway, but if you publish this, would you please be so kind as to email me to tell me. I do not have enough wakeful moments to check back on all the sites I visit. Lol. Thanks again.