Month: January 2012

  • Holly Bush

    Holly Bush was born in western Pennsylvania to two avid readers. There was not a room in her home that did not hold a full bookcase. She worked in the hospitality industry, owning a restaurant for twenty years and recently worked as the sales and marketing director in the hospitality/tourism industry and is credited with building…

  • Interview with Billy Purgatory author, Jesse James Freeman

    KD: I think I fell in love in Billy Purgatory. Where did inspiration for his character, and his story, come from?  JJF: Wow, thanks so much for saying that about Billy.  At his core, he's kind of a knuckle-head – but I think he has some qualities that manifest themselves as the story goes along…

  • GUEST POST: Indie e-books: A Fantastic Opportunity or a Disaster Waiting to Happen? by Rachel Abbott

    Indie e-books: A Fantastic Opportunity or a Disaster Waiting to Happen I must start by saying that I am a huge fan of indie e-books – but I needed to get your attention! I love the fact that writers everywhere are now able not only to publish books, but to take the vast majority of…

  • Review of Billy Purgatory: I am the Devil Bird by Jesse James Freeman

    What Billy Purgatory is is too big to be categorized into the confines of just one genre. Simply put, its a story about a ten year old skateboarder who could care less about the world around him. However, when he's faced with vampires and a monster he nicknamed the Time Zombie, Billy realizes that there…

  • Jesse James Freeman

    Billy Purgatory is Jesse James Freeman's first novel. He's also studied psychology and film and scripted comics. When he's not writing books, Jesse James trains falcons to kill Leprechaun Robots, and will continue to do so until the world is relatively safe. You can find Billy Purgatory: I am the Devil Bird at [amazon-product text=”Amazon”…

  • Interview with Rachel Abbott, author of Only the Innocent

    KD: Not many thrillers deal with a woman killer, what was the inspiration behind Only the Innocent? RA: I think it started with a programme on television about the percentage of criminals by gender. Whilst the number of female murderers is quite low, it does actually happen from time to time. So I started to…

  • You Can Call Me Al by Jeff Davis

    Happy Wednesday, friends! Last week's featured author, Jeff Davis, stopped by the bar the other day and shared a little story with me that is inspiring, heartwarming and share-worthy. So I asked him if he wouldn't mind putting his words down and posting the little story on my blog. Here it is friends, sit back…

  • Review of Only the Innocent by Rachel Abbott

      Rachel Abbott's Only the Innocent is not your average who dunnit murder mystery. The question that drives this thriller is not who did it, but why”. Abbott carefully constructed a world of mystery, depravity, sex, violence, manipulation and intrigue on so many different levels that I can honestly say you truly have to read…

  • E. A. West

    Elizabeth Ann West is a jane-of-all-trades, mistress to none. For the last three years, she has sold her nonfiction articles to websites and marketing firms. Before choosing a career in writing, she made magic at Walt Disney World and performed as a Quality Technician for Alcoa. Fiction is her next mountain to conquer. Originally from…

  • Janelle Jensen

    After taking years off of writing, Janelle Jensen's self imposed hiatus has now ended.  She is currently getting back into the rhythm of writing by working on flash fiction pieces, which can be found at her website.  She finds inspiration in the imagery of words, as well as through the camera she often has stuck to her…