I know, I know, it's been two weeks since I've posted to this blog. But if you would just put down the pitch forks I can explain. OK, I can't, not really. I admit it, I got lazy. It was the final weeks of “Willy Wonka” and I just wanted to laze around and drink beer with my friends on #pubwrite. Can you blame me? … OK, resume with the pitch forking. (HA! That sounds dirty!)
Oh, but wait! Before you start poking *snicker* you can't be too mad at me, I must have been doing something right! Look….
See? Someone thinks I'm doing something right and that someone is Jack Flacco! Woo-hoo, thank you, Jack! (check's in the mail, buddy!) Um, where was I? Oh, right! The award! Yes, Jack has been so gracious as to bestow upon me the Stylish Blogger Award, which is funny because those of you who know my style know me as a jeans and t-shirt kind of girl. Style fashionista, I am not. But this isn't about me, this is about my blog.
My blog that I have been ignoring.
But no more! Thanks to Jack I am going to return to this crazy world of sharing random thoughts and ideas with you…wipe that scowl off of your face, you asked for it.
But apparently, accepting this award comes with some rules and here they are:
- Thank and link to the person who nominated you. (check!)
- Share seven random facts about yourself.
- Pass the award along to 5 new-found blogging buddies.
- Contact the winners to congratulate them.
Ok, so seven random facts about myself.
1. I have recently discovered, thanks to caring and supportive friends, that I stick my tongue out when I'm thinking, laughing, blushing, reading, writing….um, yeah I have a tongue “thing.” And those same caring and supportive friends feel the need to point it out every time I do it.
2. I absolutely hate it when people grab my big toe. I know, how often does that happen, really? But when it does I freak out. I can wear flip flops no problem, but the second a hand goes to grab just my big toe, I kick and scream…well, like a girl.
3. I can change my entire outfit without showing any goods. It's true, tops, shorts, underwear I can change in and out of it without having to get thrown in jail for indecent exposure. It comes from years of playing soccer and needing to change jerseys and shorts in between games at tournaments.
4. Basements and attics freak me out. When I was younger my brothers locked me in the attic after telling me that the woman who lived in the house before us died up there. Scared the living daylights out of me. Every night after, I swore I could hear someone walking the floorboards of the attic. Basements are just creepy, they have spiders. Enough said.
5. I believe in ghosts. I have been on two ghost tours where you take pictures and record your questions and I kid you not, I captured someone telling me not to go into the attic! (See, another reason not to like attics) It's a good story, I'll have to tell you about it sometime.
6. When I was 18 the horn in my 1993 Chevy Cavalier broke off while I was driving it – the sucker just popped off and hung there from the wires. Fearing for my safety with the dangling horn getting in my way when I would go to turn the wheel, my dad disconnected it. Unfortunately, I am a firm believer that there is a reason for putting horns in cars; I felt lost without it. When someone would cut me off, or piss me off, I found myself grabbing the unattached horn and shaking it at them. For my 19th birthday my parents bought me one of those bike horns to use. 🙂
7. I like music and when I say I like music, I mean any kind of music. I can sing along to the Big Boppers “Chantilly Lace” then jump right into “The Show Goes On” by Lupe Fiasco. I can sing you Irving Berlin's “Easter Parade” in one breath and pay tribute to Lynyrd Skynyrd with “Sweet Home Alabama” in the next. I know who Jelly Roll Morton is and all the blues/jazz greats. I can listen to rap, hip hop, r&b, pop, Broadway, classical, bluegrass and even the occasional smooth jazz amongst many others. Sadly, I can not do heavy metal. I have tried, but I just can't. I apologize to you metal heads out there.
That was fun. Now on to the funner part…um, I mean, funnest part. No wait, still not right. Eh.
5 Blogging buddies (These girls aren't newly found by me, but they deserve the award so forgive me as I stretch the rules a little)
1. Susan Borath
3. Rinn Ziegler
4. AJ Aalto
Enjoy the award ladies, you've earned it. I don't know how I did, but I know you girls are awesome and that's enough for me!
If you enjoyed this little “Get to know Karen more” then don't forget to check out my post for Have Coffee…Will Write tomorrow for more randomness and blog award fun!
2 responses to “Back To The Grind With A Little Bling”
Wow! Thank you so much! I'll get right on this…you know, since I'm in twitter jail.
Not a problem, Rinn!! And watch out for those rats! 😉